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Smart Manufacturing Community

Supercharge Your Digital Transformation with MESA’s Smart Manufacturing Community

The Smart Manufacturing Community is your go-to resource for accessing and sharing unbiased insights on advancing your journey toward Smart Manufacturing. We host safe, global, non-commercial, facilitated discussions to help you learn from both peers and industry experts.

By participating in the members-only Community, you'll engage in crucial conversations that will shape your decision-making process. You'll expand your knowledge with diverse perspectives and gain access to expert advice and fresh ideas you won’t find anywhere else. Participants tap into cutting-edge best practices, solutions, and insights from their peers.

These facilitated virtual meetings cover four key topics where members can share their experiences, ask questions, discuss challenges, and celebrate successes in a secure, non-commercial space.

As a benefit of MESA membership, you’ll be invited to all meetings and you can choose which topics are most relevant to you:

  • Manufacturing Operations Software
  • Smart Connected Factory
  • Smart Connected Supply Chain
  • Digital Thread/Digital Twin

Sign up as a member to get in on these pivotal discussions. Questions? Contact

Smart Manufacturing Community Upcoming Events

Community sponsored by:


Julie Fraser
Julie Fraser
Joanne Friedman
Joanne Friedman
Dave Hinkler
Dave Hinkler
Dave Noller
Dave Noller

Additional Resources


The Community was originally a spin-off of the workshops held at the 2018 MESA North American/Industry Week Manufacturing & Technology conference with over 100 participants. Additional workshops are held at events worldwide. Workshops can be brought to your event for an additional fee.

Discussion Forums

Join MESA's Smart Manufacturing Community LinkedIn Group to continue the discussions in between meetings.


Tips on Starting the Smart Manufacturing Journey

Featuring industry executives who helped guide our first face-to-face community discussions in a workshop.


Seeking Common Ground for Smart Manufacturing

Results of our first survey show that most manufacturers have already implemented at least one Smart Manufacturing initiative, and that the Senior Executives are typically involved.


Smart Manufacturing: Continuous Improvement or Strategic Transformation

A lively session with executives from three diverse manufacturing companies.