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MESA International Logo Usage
MESA corporate members and sponsors are welcome to display the MESA logo to promote their affiliation with MESA. Displaying the logo distinguishes member companies from others in the marketplace and indicates a member’s commitment to MESA’s mission.
Who can use the logo and MESA name?
- The logo and/or membership affiliation may be used by MESA member and sponsor organizations in good standing.
- The logo and/or name may not be used in a way that implies membership or formal affiliation with MESA, unless by a member company, sponsor, or partner organization in good standing.
Logo and MESA Name Usage Guidelines
- The logo and/or membership affiliation may be used on company websites, emails, stationery, collateral, and promotional materials by corporate members and sponsors. Individual members in good standing are welcome to utilize the logo and/or membership affiliation on their personal websites (i.e. LinkedIn or otherwise).
- The logo must link to the MESA home page if used on a virtual site.
- The logo must be used in its entirety and may not be altered in any way, including proportion, color, element, type, etc., except with express permission from MESA.
- The logo and/or membership affiliation may not be used to imply an endorsement by MESA, except with express permission from MESA.
- The logo and/or membership affiliation may not be used in any disparaging materials about MESA or about another company, organization, or individual.
Approved MESA Logos
MESA members, sponsors, and partner organizations may download the approved member logos by clicking on the below links.
MESA Logo (Blue EPS, White EPS, Blue PNG, White PNG)
MESA Keystone Sponsor (Platinum, Gold, Regional)
MESA Authorized Training Provider
Unapproved Usage
MESA reserves the right to disallow any use of the logo or name. To report a misleading use of the logo or affiliation, please contact membership@mesa.org.
Contact hq@mesa.org for any other Marketing Materials needed.