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Analytics that Matter

In 2006, MESA conducted its first research study, MESA Metrics that Matter after finding a market need for the data. The findings from this original primary research provide a platform for companies to understand what differentiates companies that improve their business performance from others.  In 2013-14, MESA began collaborating with LNS Research on the study and the study was renamed to Analytics that Matter. The study is refreshed and updated every few years to keep track of the current market trends.

Research & Reports

Research Spotlight Advanced Industrial Analytics: 4 Proven Strategies to Scale Transformation During Uncertain Times (2023)

The first Research Spotlight in our biennial research series, Analytics That Matter, co-created with LNS Research, digs into the emerging space of Advanced Industrial Analytics, providing need to know best practices and insights on proven strategies to scale transformation during today's uncertain times.


Driving Real Results with Industrial Analytics (2022)

Industrial Analytics continues to gain momentum, both at the factory floor level and across the enterprise at the corporate level in today's manufacturing industry. In fact, research shows that leading industrial companies are taking a more proactive, forward-looking approach to analytics and, as a result, have made significant progress in their transformation programs over the past couple of years.

Research & Reports

Analytics that Matter in 2020: A New World

MESA and LNS Research jointly released their biennial research study: Analytics That Matter in 2020: A New World.  This latest study reveals the critical correlation of analytics to Industrial Transformation (IX) success.

Geared toward manufacturers across various industries, Analytics That Matter in 2020 provides an updated look at where industrial organizations fall within analytics progress, showing there is still much more work to do to achieve operational excellence. The data in the survey-based research shows that there has been a promising 52% increase in industrial companies with a formal analytics program.

New to the 2020 report is the impact of COVID-19 on manufacturers and their transformation initiatives.

Research & Reports

Analytics That Matter (2018)

For several years, MESA and LNS Research have partnered to study and publish a research report titled “Metrics That Matter,” with data on which metrics are tracked by leading manufacturing enterprises and which metrics have shown significant year-over-year improvements by survey respondents. Industrial organizations have always found the benchmarks useful when measuring their own performance. The 2018 version of the study, “Analytics That Matter,” moves from a discussion about metrics to planning for advanced analytics, which mirrors the shift happening in industry.

The manufacturing industry has seen a wide range of new analytics applications launched over the past three to five years. This activity includes highly focused applications in asset performance management (APM) and other maintenance-related processes, typically focused on high-cost resources. Historically, companies started with a dashboard of simple metrics to show up-to-the-second status of machines and operations, and they focused on improving response time and time to resolution when issues occurred. However, very little live data from systems actually move into data stores outside the plant. That’s about to change, however, and it promises something new: prescriptive control of operations from live analytics. This is the opportunity that prompted the shift in focus from metrics to analytics.

Research & Reports

Manufacturing Metrics that Really Matter (2014)

This research focused on understanding the business aspect of metric programs that are being used across a wide range of manufacturing industries. With the breadth and span of available metrics, it is important that organizations choose the right metric approaches that align to business and manufacturing processes to deliver optimized improvement efforts.  These choices will vary by situation.

Research & Reports

Metrics that Matter (2006)

MESA Metrics that Matter is the original 2006 MESA research into performance metrics for manufacturing and production companies.  The findings from this original primary research provide a platform for companies to understand what differentiates companies that improve their business performance from others.